Services Offered
Mindful Counseling
Individual mindfulness counseling is for anyone who is interested in approaching life with more awareness and compassion. I work with individuals who are struggling with specific afflictions such as anxiety, recovery from addiction, relationship difficulties, and the everyday stress of life. Whether you’re struggling with one aspect of your life, or just want to approach the world with more mindfulness, I am here to support you and work together.
Relational Mindfulness
One of my deepest passions is helping others (and myself!) bring the qualities of mindfulness, compassion, and loving-kindness to relationships. Whether it is an intimate relationship, a friendship, or familial relationship, we can bring our awareness and kindness to the table in new ways.
Schedule a Consultation
Get started today by scheduling a no-commitment free consultation. We will get to know each other a bit, see if we’re a good fit, and I will answer any questions you have about working together.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long are sessions?
Sessions last 50 minutes for individuals, and 80 minutes for couples/relationships.
Do I need meditation experience?
Nope! Absolutely not! I work with many people who have never meditated, or perhaps find mindfulness through daily activity instead.
What can I expect?
Sessions will generally consist of a short guided meditation, discussion about what is happening in your life, and a solution-oriented investigation.